Research Impact Metrics: Citation Analysis
Introduction to Journal Metrics from Scopus
You can find metrics for a specific journal or compare journal metrics for items indexed in Scopus by clicking on the "compare journals" link.
On the Compare journals search page search for journals you'd like to compare, by name, by publisher or by specific ISSN number. The example below shows a search for journal titles with the word "disability" in the title, which resulted in a list of 21 journals. The default option compares these journals based on SCImago Journal Rank (SJR). Click on the column header SJR to sort this list of so that the journal with the highest SJR appears at the top.
Scopus displays a chart, comparing the journals selected by default. Use the tabs above the chart to compare titles by other metrics. You can also switch from a chart visual to view the information as a table. Tables can be exported as a .CVS file and visuals can be exported in a number of different formats using the zip file option from the export button.
Scopus Journal Metrics Definitions
Like Eigenfactor metrics, SCImago Journal Rank (SJR) takes into account both the number of citations received by a journal and the prestige of the journal based on where those citations come from.
Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP) measures contextual citation impact by weighting citations based on the total number of citations in a subject field. It helps to compare a journal with competing journals in a subject area.
The Impact per Publication (IPP) is based on citations in one year to articles, reviews, and conference papers published in the preceding three years, divided by the number of articles, reviews, and conference papers published in those three years.
- Last Updated: Dec 6, 2024 3:16 PM
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