PM&R Residency Guide
HSL E-Books
DeLisa's Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 5th ed. by Walter R. Frontera (Editor)
ISBN: 9780781798198Publication Date: 2010-12-14Medical and Psychosocial Aspects of Chronic Illness and Disability by Donna R. Falvo
ISBN: 9780763731663Publication Date: 2005-01-01Atlas of Uncommon Pain Syndromes by Steven D. Waldman
ISBN: 9781455709991Publication Date: 2013-06-06
Information and Technical Assistance with the ADA from the U.S. Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division.
USDHHS Resources
- National Rehabilitation Information Center REHABDATA REHABDATA, produced by the National Rehabilitation Information Center, is the leading literature database on disability and rehabilitation. The database describes over 80,000 documents covering physical, mental, and psychiatric disabilities, independent living, vocational rehabilitation, special education, assistive technology, law, employment, and other issues as they relate to people with disabilities. The collection spans 1956 to the present.
- ADA National Network The ADA National Network consists of 10 regional centers and an ADA Knowledge Translation Center. The regional centers are distributed throughout the United States to provide local assistance and foster implementation of the ADA.
Searching PubMed
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Selected Sections of the Quick Start Guide:
How do I search PubMed?
How do I find systematic reviews?
Can you explain the search results?
How do I display an abstract?
How can I save my results?
I retrieved too many citations. How can I focus my search?
I retrieved too few citations. How can I expand my search?
I need further assistance and training.
PM&R Journals
- CINAHL Plus with Full Text This link opens in a new windowCumulative Index to Nursing & Allied Health Literature. Includes links to full text. Provided by EBSCOhost.
- PsycINFO This link opens in a new windowPsycINFO is a bibliographic database providing abstracts and citations to the scholarly literature in the psychological, social, behavioral, and health sciences. It includes material in related fields such as psychiatry, management, business, education, social science, neuroscience, law, medicine, and social work. Updated weekly, PsycINFO provides access to journal articles, books, chapters, and dissertations.
Most Used EBP Databases
- Cochrane Library This link opens in a new windowContains multiple evidence based databases including the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (CDSR) containing systematic reviews of research in health care and health policy and the Cochrane Controlled Clinical Trials Register (Cochrane CENTRAL) containing abstracts of randomised and quasi-randomised controlled trials.
- Essential Evidence Plus This link opens in a new window
Please note: this resource now requires users to register for a personal account attached to their Upstate email.
Users can still choose to be enrolled in EE+ Daily POEMs. Email to request enrollment. Please note that any links from POEMs out to the Essential Evidence Plus site will require personal registration as noted above.Database system of filtered, synopsized, evidence-based information: searches: Essential Evidence Topics, POEMS, Cochrane Systematic Reviews, History and Physical Test Calculators, Diagnostic Test Calculators, Decision Support Tools, Derm Expert Image Viewer, E/M Coding.
- Joanna Briggs InstituteJoanna Briggs Institute (Ovid) brings together a range of practice-oriented research activities to improve the effectiveness of nursing practice and health care outcomes.
- Lexidrug This link opens in a new window(Lexicomp) On-line drug information system including sections for interactions, pediatric, geriatric, nursing, patient education, and toxicology information.
Learn more about the mobile app at
- UpToDate on campus This link opens in a new windowThis link is for on-campus use only. If you are off-campus, learn more at evidence-based clinical decision support resource that synthesizes scientific evidence and expert opinion that is organized to answer specific clinical questions. Also includes calculators, drug information, and patient education information.
- Last Updated: Aug 30, 2024 11:22 AM
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