Faculty and Researcher Resources
Data Sharing and Repositories
Additional Research Data Planning & Sharing information is available from Upstate's Research Technology Core Unit.
Find a repository
A funder or journal may prescribe or sponsor the use of a particular repository. In absence of this guidance, most funder and publisher guidelines recommend the use of discipline-specific repositories whenever possible and a generalist repository when none are available.
Funder sites
American Heart Association Approved Repositories
NIDDK Network (dkNET) Suggested Data Repositories
NIH Open Domain Specific Data Sharing Repositories: Includes repositories with current NIH funding, sustained support, open data submission and access, and open time frame for data deposit.
Other NIH Data Resources: Includes repositories that do not meet all of NIH's full criteria and other data resources.
Comprehensive indexes
- Repository Finder or Registry of Research Data Repositories (re3data), both from DataCite
- FAIRsharing, from the University of Oxford
When searching a comprehensive index, look for a repository that meets the funder or journal requirements. Not all repositories on these lists offer open access.
Start with published datasets
Search for datasets published by other researchers in your dsicpline. Articles with related datasets provide the location of the dataset. Use the indexes above to determine if the repositories found meet your needs.
Generalist repositories
Also listed on the NIH site.
- Dryad Digital Repository
- Fees: $120 for the first 20GB, $50 for each additional 10GB
- Size limit: none
- figshare
- Fees: none
- Size limit: 20GB (total, for all projects)
- figshare+ - for large datasets 250GB - 5TB
- Fees: $395 per project
- Size limit: 5TB (total per project)
- Harvard Dataverse
- Fees: none
- Size limit: 1TB (total, all projects)
- Mendeley Data
- Fees: none
- Size limit: 10GB per project
- Open Science Framework (OSF)
- Fees: none
- Size limit: 5GB for private projects, 50GB for public projects
- Science Data Bank
- Fees: none
- Size limit: none
- Synapse
- Fees: none
- Size limit: 10GB
- Zenodo
- Fees: none
- Size limit: none
Data sharing policies
Look up funder policies in Sherpa Juliet, a one-stop resource for funders' policies and their requirements on open access, publication and data archiving.
Select publisher policies & guidance
- Cell Press
- Elsevier
- Oxford University Press (OUP)
- SpringerNature (see also Scientific Data)
- Taylor & Francis
- Wiley
- Wolters Kluwer
Some journals will sponsor or pay the data repository fee for select repositories. See the author guidance pages for the journal in which you are publishing to see if this is an option.
- Last Updated: Dec 6, 2024 3:09 PM
- URL: https://guides.upstate.edu/research
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