Essential Evidence Plus: Clinical Rules and Calculators
Includes nearly 300 clinically relevant calculators, including evidence-based ratings for each tool.
Lexi-Drug: Medical Calculation Database
Includes over 50 calculators for adult and pediatric dosing and infusion rates, organ function analysis, and conversions. Find Calculators in the blue banner at the top of the landing page.
MDCalc is a free medical calculator for mobile devices. It is available for the iPhone, Palm OS and Windows Mobile.
Micromedex: Calculators
Includes drug and body analysis calculations, drug and dietary comparison tables, differential diagnosis tools, a limited number laboratory value calculators, and immunization tables. To access from the Micromedex main search page, click on the "Calculators" link on the gray banner.
Stat!Ref: EBMcalc (formerly MedCalc 3000)
A collection of clinically relevant calculators, clinical criteria sets, and clinical decision trees. To access from any Stat!Ref page, hover over the "Resources" tab at the top left.
EBM Calculators from Center of Evidence-Based Medicine, Toronto
EBM Calculator is designed to calculate relevant statistics for Diagnostic studies, Prospective Studies, Case Control Studies, and Randomized Control Trials (RCT). This software is no longer supported. This version, 1.02, was released March 26 2004.
This is a collection of calculators and decision trees designed to assist with diagnosis and treatment. After choosing the appropriate login path and signing in, click "Calculators" on the blue banner.