Evidence Based Practice
"The practice of evidence based medicine means integrating individual clinical expertise with the best available external clinical evidence from systematic research." (Sackett, D. 1996)
Most Used EBP Databases
- Cochrane Library This link opens in a new windowContains multiple evidence based databases including the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (CDSR) containing systematic reviews of research in health care and health policy and the Cochrane Controlled Clinical Trials Register (Cochrane CENTRAL) containing abstracts of randomised and quasi-randomised controlled trials.
- Essential Evidence Plus This link opens in a new window
Please note: this resource now requires users to register for a personal account attached to their Upstate email.
Users can still choose to be enrolled in EE+ Daily POEMs. Email libsuppt@upstate.edu to request enrollment. Please note that any links from POEMs out to the Essential Evidence Plus site will require personal registration as noted above.Database system of filtered, synopsized, evidence-based information: searches: Essential Evidence Topics, POEMS, Cochrane Systematic Reviews, History and Physical Test Calculators, Diagnostic Test Calculators, Decision Support Tools, Derm Expert Image Viewer, E/M Coding.
- Joanna Briggs InstituteJoanna Briggs Institute (Ovid) brings together a range of practice-oriented research activities to improve the effectiveness of nursing practice and health care outcomes.
- Lexidrug This link opens in a new window(Lexicomp) On-line drug information system including sections for interactions, pediatric, geriatric, nursing, patient education, and toxicology information.
Learn more about the mobile app at https://guides.upstate.edu/mobileresources/lexicomp
- UpToDate on campus This link opens in a new windowThis link is for on-campus use only. If you are off-campus, learn more at https://library.upstate.edu/up-to-date.phpAn evidence-based clinical decision support resource that synthesizes scientific evidence and expert opinion that is organized to answer specific clinical questions. Also includes calculators, drug information, and patient education information.
Point of Care Resources
- AccessEmergency Medicine This link opens in a new windowAn integrated collection of emergency medicine textbooks, videos, atlases, drug information, and patient education resources aimed at providing current operative, procedural, and differential diagnosis information. Free board review resources are available with individual registration.
- AccessMedicine This link opens in a new windowAn innovative online resource that provides access to more than 60 medical titles from the best minds in medicine, updated content, thousands of images and illustrations, interactive self-assessment, case files, and diagnostic tools.
- AccessPediatrics This link opens in a new windowOnline resource collection offers research, reference, instruction, and self-assessment tools devoted to the needs of the pediatric patient, from neonatal care through childhood, and adolescence. With individual registration create custom self-assessment quizzes.
- AccessSurgery This link opens in a new windowIncludes more than 24 fully-searchable surgical references, over 160 surgical videos and animations showing step-by-step how to perform basic and advanced surgical procedures, 16,000 high quality images, as well as board review, a drug database, and clerkship resources. Free board review resources are available with individual registration.
- Current Medical Diagnosis and TreatmentA core reference for common medical disorders, with the focus on diagnosis and treatment.
- Reichman's Emergency Medicine ProceduresDetailed step-by-step approach to procedures performed in the Emergency Department.
- Essential Evidence Plus (formerly InfoPOEMS)Clinical awareness system that highlights important new evidence via DailyPOEMs ("Patient-Oriented Evidence that Matters"). This resource also includes evidence based practice guidelines, ICD-9 coding information, dermatologic differential diagnosis, and Continuing Medical Education. A PDA version is available.
- Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, 21eThis resource includes the complete current edition of Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine. Also included are the differential diagnosis interface Diagnosaurus, drug monographs, Current Practice Guidelines in Primary Care, current health news, and patient education information.
- Health Assessment & Physical ExaminationA nursing based guide to physical examinations and health assessments.
- McGraw-Hill's Guide to Diagnostic TestsA basic reference for common laboratory values and diagnostic tests.
- Medscape Clinical CasesThis is a listing of clinical cases in all medical specialities. CME/CE is available for many of the cases. Access is available with free registration to Medscape.
- Professional Guide to DiseasesA basic-level handbook for the identification of diseases.
- PsychiatryOnlineA collection of core psychiatric textbooks, journals, American Psychiatric Association practice guidelines, patient education guides, and self-assessment quizzes.
- PubMed Clinical QueriesThis is a search interface of PubMed that helps locate evidence-based articles of a clinical nature.
- Red Book OnlineThis free online text focuses on pediatric disorders and includes vaccination schedule information and current health news.
- UpToDate on campus This link opens in a new windowA clinical information resource that provides current expert opinions on patient care, diagnosis, and treatment options.An evidence-based clinical decision support resource that synthesizes scientific evidence and expert opinion that is organized to answer specific clinical questions. Also includes calculators, drug information, and patient education information.
- VisualDx This link opens in a new windowA multi-symptom differential diagnosis database that utilizes radiographic images, dermatologic photographs, and illustrations for diagnostic assistance.Users with upstate.edu email addresses may earn CME after creating a personal account. Scroll down to find "Create a Personal Account".
On future visits, make sure that you're logged into that personal account to earn CME. When using this link, click "Sign out" and then "Return to VisualDx" to login to your personal account.
- Washington Manual of Surgical PathologyA practical guide to the clinical practice of surgical pathology.
- Last Updated: Nov 6, 2024 6:40 AM
- URL: https://guides.upstate.edu/ebp
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