Clerkship Resources
Clerkship and Clinical Rotation Info on LWW Health Library
- LWW Health Library Clerkship and Clinical Rotations This link opens in a new windowProvides textbooks, case studies, self assessments and more in the clerkship/clinical rotations of family medicine, internal medicine, OB/GYN, pediatrics, psychiatry, and surgery.
Board review
- BoardVitals This link opens in a new window
BoardVitals is an exam review tool that includes test banks to help prepare for USMLE Step 1, 2 and 3 and Shelf Exams. New users should register with your email.
- Academic SupportPlease contact our Academic Support team for additional strategic study ideas!
Access Medicine Clerkship Resources
- AccessMedicine This link opens in a new window
Includes textbooks, images, illustrations, interactive self-assessments, case files, diagnostic tools, and the ability to view from and download content to a mobile device.
- AccessMedicine - Case Files Collection This link opens in a new window
Interactive patient cases that include a discussion, clinical pearls and references, definitions of key terms and USMLE-style review questions with explanations of the correct answers. (A MyAccess account (free to Upstate users) is required to save and track individual progress through cases and quiz results.)
Additional Learning Resources
- AquiferThis clinical skills learning resource is ideal for developing excellent clinical reasoning skills through the use of high-quality, in-depth virtual patient cases
First time users, click "Sign In" to register, using your Upstate email address.
Point of Care Resources
- UpToDateThe Library's landing page for UpToDate with multiple login options.
- UptoDate mobile app informationFind out how to get the app, and how to create or reauthenticate your account.
- Essential Evidence Plus This link opens in a new windowDatabase system of filtered, synopsized, evidence-based information. Please note that you will have to register for an account using your email.
Database system of filtered, synopsized, evidence-based information: searches: Essential Evidence Topics, POEMS, Cochrane Systematic Reviews, History and Physical Test Calculators, Diagnostic Test Calculators, Decision Support Tools, Derm Expert Image Viewer, E/M Coding.
- Lexidrug This link opens in a new window
On-line drug information system including sections for interactions, pediatric, geriatric, nursing, patient education, and toxicology information. Also includes AHFS Essentials, drug identifiers, and calculators.
Learn more about the mobile app at
- VisualDx This link opens in a new window
A multi-symptom differential diagnosis database that utilizes radiographic images and dermatologic photographs and illustrations for diagnostic assistance.
Users with email addresses may earn CME after creating a personal account. Scroll down to find "Create a Personal Account".
On future visits, make sure that you're logged into that personal account to earn CME. When using this link, click "Sign out" and then "Return to VisualDx" to login to your personal account.
Bates Physical Exam videos / OSCE Clinical Skills videos
- Bates' Visual Guide to Physical Examination This link opens in a new window
The Bates' Visual Guide to Physical Examination video series provides “head to toe” and systems-based physical examination techniques. The videos, delivered via streaming video, cover adult, infant, child, and older adult patients.
Cochrane and PubMed Databases
- Cochrane Library This link opens in a new windowContains multiple evidence based databases including the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (CDSR) containing systematic reviews of research in health care and health policy and the Cochrane Controlled Clinical Trials Register (Cochrane CENTRAL) containing abstracts of randomised and quasi-randomised controlled trials.
- PubMed This link opens in a new windowPubMed comprises millions of citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books.
Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine by J. Larry Jameson; Dan L. Longo; Stephen L. Hauser; Dennis L. Kasper; Joseph Loscalzo; Anthony S. Fauci
ISBN: 9781259644030Publication Date: 2018-08-13Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics by Robert M. Kliegman; Bonita Stanton; Joseph St. Geme; Nina F. Schor; Richard E. Behrman
ISBN: 9781455775668Publication Date: 2015-04-22
Contact The Health Sciences Library
Contact us for additional help with using Library resources (databases, e-journals, e-books or interlibrary loan) and services (reference, library instruction, study rooms, etc.).
- Chat with a librarian
- Call the Library front desk at 315-464-7091
- Email us at
- Use our staff directory to find a specific person or department
- Last Updated: Nov 15, 2024 3:09 PM
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