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Instructor Resources

Resources related to integrating library content into courses.

Linking to Content

Content provided through the library that you may be able to access directly while on campus generally needs to have the proper link structure so students can access the resource seamlessly regardless of where they are. Otherwise, students will receive error messages or messages that the content is only available after paying the vendor money. The library uses a service called OpenAthens to facilitate access to resources. Some vendors may provide an option to login through OpenAthens when accessing an article directly but some do not.

Library staff are always available to assist with formatting links so students can access content regardless of where they are located, but this information can help you provide the best link possible. 


Linking to a database or platform

If you are linking to the homepage of a database (not a specific article, journal or eBook), we recommend checking the Library's A-Z Databases and Resources list. If the resource you want is there, copy the link that the library is using. 

In many cases, that link will start with "". These links will redirect to the best URL we have for that resource, including our OpenAthens information so that you don't have to add it manually.  If the provider ever changes their link, we update that behind the scenes of our link, so no change is needed on your part.

Using the library's links also helps us track overall usage for those resources, which can be very helpful when making decisions about which resources to keep as subscription costs rise. 


Linking to articles, eBooks, and other items

We recommend linking to content rather than uploading a PDF. Many providers offer their content in multiple formats, such as HTML or ePUBs; providing this choice to the user rather than a static PDF is better for accessibility and for overall user-friendliness. 

We strongly encourage testing all links off-campus in a fresh browser to make sure they work as intended, and re-testing links periodically, especially before the start of a new semester.


OpenAthens Redirector

Often, adding the OpenAthens redirector ( ) in front of a link is enough to provide access if the library subscribes to that content. The OpenAthens Link generator helps create links in this format.

For example, access to can be created by converting the link to



In other cases, such as Ovid (ie Medline and JBI) and EBSCO (ie CINAHL and NRC+), looking for a permalink option (usually a chain or link icon). This will create a link that removes your individual session information and embeds the OpenAthens access information into the link for you.


Other considerations

Browzine: if you are linking to an article from a journal indexed in Browzine, look for the link icon ("Link to article"). This will look something like

Primo: in the past, we've recommended permalinks found in Primo records (for example, These links may become less reliable due to upcoming changes in the Primo interface. If you have been using these permalinks, we recommend trying the OpenAthens redirector option, or reaching out to the library for assistance.