Veterans and their Families - Health Information Resources
Find high-quality resources and support for veterans and their families.
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Information on the Web
- VA Veterans Health AdministrationThe Veterans Health Administration is America’s largest integrated health care system with over 1,700 sites of care, serving 8.76 million Veterans each year.
- Women Veterans Health Care (VA)Information on V.A. health care services available to women veterans, including comprehensive primary care as well as specialty care such as reproductive services, rehabilitation, mental health, and treatment for military sexual trauma.
- VA Veterans Health LibraryVeteran-focused health information from the VA for veterans, family members, and caregivers.
- The Affordable Care ActInformation from the VA about the Affordable Care Act, also known as the health care law, for veterans and their families.
- Veterans and Military Health - from MedlinePlusHealth information and resources about numerous health topics of particular interest to military service members and veterans.
- VA Caregiver Support ProgramInformation about health-related resources for family members who provide care for service members and veterans.
- New York State Division of Veteran AffairsThe New York State Division of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA) advocates on behalf of New York’s Veterans and their families to ensure they receive benefits granted by law for service in the United States Armed Forces. The DVA offers free benefits counseling, providing Veterans and their families professional help to resolve social, medical, and economic matters.
- Onondaga County Veterans Service AgencyThe Onondaga county Veterans Service Agency helps veterans and their families obtain funding, medical treatment, or nursing home care for eligible veterans, their dependents or survivors. The Agency also provides information, assistance, and advocacy for claimants in actions or claims against the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) or state and local veterans-related entitlements.
In the Library's Collection
Care of Military Service Members, Veterans, and Their Families by Stephen J. Cozza, M.D.,Matthew N. Goldenberg, M.D.,Robert J. Ursano, M.D.
ISBN: 9781585625161Publication Date: 2014Requires Upstate credentials; please contact the Library if you need assistance.
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