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Nursing Resource Guide - Legacy

Nursing Research and Innovation: selected resources

Point of Care Resources

Medical Calculators

EBP Introduction, Training, & Tools

EBP Introduction, Training, & Tools

Resources and tools selected by the Health Science Library staff to help you gain a greater understanding of Evidence Based Practice.

Evidence in Motion
An educational and business practice consultation company dedicated to creating and promoting evidence based practice within Physical Therapy. Evidence in Motion maintains a CATBANK within its Evidence Resources page.

Occupational Therapy Critically Appraised Topics
Contains critically appraised topics and individual articles focusing on Occupation Therapy interventions. Materials have NOT been subjected to an independent peer review process, therefore completeness and accuracy cannot be guaranteed.


EBP for Healthcare Specialists

Academic Center for Evidence-Based Nursing (University of Texas)
The purpose of the Center is to advance evidence-based nursing practice, research, and education within an interdisciplinary context. The goal is to turn research into action, improving health care and patient outcomes in the community, through evidence-based practice, research, and education.

American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Policy Statements
Webpage containing AAP Policy Statements, Clinical and Technical Reports and Clinical Practice Guidelines.

Center for Evidence Based Practice
SUNY Upstate Medical University, Department of Family Medicine

Centre for Evidence Based Mental Health
Promotes and supports the teaching and practice of evidence based mental healthcare. Searchable database covering diagnosis, therapy, living with the disease and consumer reading list.

Centre for Evidence-Based Child Health
Established by Great Ormond Street Hospital Trust & Institute of Child Health, London as part of the national networks of Centres of Evidence-Based Health Care.

Evidence-based Nursing (University of Minnesota)
The website includes models of evidence-based nursing, a link to current projects, information on evaluating the quality of nursing research, links to research-based nursing journals, and assistance with teaching evidence-based nursing.

National Electronic Library for Mental Health Database
The Mental Health Specialist Library aims to meet the information needs of health care professionals who work in the field of mental health. This site contains the best available evidence to support people making mental health care decisions.

National Institute of Mental Health
The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) is one of 27 components of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) with a mission to reduce the burden of mental illness and behavioral disorders through research on mind, brain, and behavior.

University of Michigan's Evidence-Based Pediatrics
This page serves as a resource for our residents and faculty who are developing skills in the practice of evidence-based pediatrics





EBP Introduction & Training

EBM Toolkit
A collection of tools (worksheets, search strategies, glossaries) for identifying, assessing and applying relevant evidence for better health care decision-making. (University of Alberta)

Amedo is a journal monitoring website that helps keep clinicians up to date with the medical literaure. Sign up is free, and customizable. Select your area of focus along with the journals you would like monitored and Amedo will do the rest.

Introduction to Evidence-Based Medicine (EBM) Tutorial
This tutorial is intended for any health care practitioner or student who needs a basic introduction to the principles of Evidence-Based Medicine. (Duke University Medical Center Library and Health Sciences Library, UNC-Chapel Hill)

Oxford University Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine
The home of Evidence Based Medicine (EBM) was established in Oxford as the first of several centres around the world whose aim broadly is to promote evidence-based health care and provide support and resources to anyone who wants to make use of them. There is a wealth of information and links to other EBM resources.

SUNY Health Sciences Evidence-Based Medicine Course
From SUNY Downstate Medical Center, Medical Research Library of Brooklyn.



Patients & Families

Patients & Families

Evidence based resources for patients and families.

Health Library
Health Library is an evidenced based practice resource for patients, families and the general public. Articles provide references to the professional literature and all are reviewed by an experienced clinician.

Cochrane Consumer Network
A collection of easy to read summaries of systematic reviews from the Cochrane Collaboration.

Up To Date includes a comprehensive synthesis of the latest scientific evidence and expert opinion, designed to answer specific clinical questions.

Summary Guides for Consumers
The John M. Eisenberg Clinical Decisions and Communications Science Center is based at Oregon Health & Science University




Clinical Trials

Clincial Trials

Search for clinical trials currently taking place and for the results of completed trials.

Free Resources for Locating Clinical Trials

CenterWatch:Clinical Trials Listing Service
Emory Center on Health Outcomes and Quality

Search for the Clinical Trial Results

Resource contains materials with various evidence levels, additional appraisal may be needed

Medline/PubMed & CINAHL

  • Medline or PubMed
    • Use the Clinical Queries filter for Therapy or,
    • Use the limit for Publication Type and limit search to Randomized Controlled Trials.
  • CINAHL (Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature)
    • Use Clinical Queries for Treatment or,
    • Use the limit for Research or,
    • Use limit for Publication Types (i.e., Clinical Trials which includes RCTs).