UHS / Clinical Campus Residencies
Recommended Resources
- Essential Evidence Plus This link opens in a new window
Please note: this resource now requires users to register for a personal account attached to their Upstate email.
Users can still choose to be enrolled in EE+ Daily POEMs. Email libsuppt@upstate.edu to request enrollment. Please note that any links from POEMs out to the Essential Evidence Plus site will require personal registration as noted above.Database system of filtered, synopsized, evidence-based information: searches: Essential Evidence Topics, POEMS, Cochrane Systematic Reviews, History and Physical Test Calculators, Diagnostic Test Calculators, Decision Support Tools, Derm Expert Image Viewer, E/M Coding.
- Lexidrug This link opens in a new window
On-line drug information system including sections for interactions, pediatric, geriatric, nursing, patient education, and toxicology information. Also includes AHFS Essentials, drug identifiers, and calculators.
Learn more about the mobile app at https://guides.upstate.edu/mobileresources/lexicomp
- UpToDate through OpenAthens This link opens in a new windowAll Upstate users, including both those who login with Upstate Citrix credentials and those who do not have an Upstate email address and login with an OpenAthens account, can access UpToDate using this link.
An evidence-based clinical decision support resource that synthesizes scientific evidence and expert opinion that is organized to answer specific clinical questions. Also includes calculators, drug information, and patient education information.
- VisualDx This link opens in a new window
A multi-symptom differential diagnosis database that utilizes radiographic images and dermatologic photographs and illustrations for diagnostic assistance.
Users with upstate.edu email addresses may earn CME after creating a personal account. Scroll down to find "Create a Personal Account".
On future visits, make sure that you're logged into that personal account to earn CME. When using this link, click "Sign out" and then "Return to VisualDx" to login to your personal account. - 5MinuteConsult This link opens in a new windowOffers basic and quick overviews for diseases & conditions, drugs, and medical procedures.
It also includes resources for patients, including patient handouts for conditions and diseases, as well as physical therapy handouts.As of December 2024, the website has been mobile-optimized to replace the app. We recommend using the library's link above via browser on all devices.
- Harrison's Principles of Internal MedicinePopular textbook and reference for clinical presentations of disease with summaries of pathophysiology and treatment.
- Johns Hopkins ABX GuideFeatures frequently updated, evidence-based information on infectious diseases, including disease diagnosis, drug indications, dosing, pharmacokinetics, side effects, and interactions; pathogens; management; and vaccines.
Cochrane and PubMed Databases
- Cochrane Library This link opens in a new windowContains multiple evidence based databases including the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (CDSR) containing systematic reviews of research in health care and health policy and the Cochrane Controlled Clinical Trials Register (Cochrane CENTRAL) containing abstracts of randomised and quasi-randomised controlled trials.
- PubMed This link opens in a new windowPubMed comprises millions of citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books.
Board review
- BoardVitals This link opens in a new window
BoardVitals is an exam review tool that includes test banks to help prepare for USMLE Step 1, 2 and 3 and Shelf Exams. New users should register with your @upstate.edu email.
Access to online HSL resources
Access is authenticated through a service called OpenAthens. For directions on how to login or what credentials to use, visit the OpenAthens guide.
If you are physically at SUNY Binghamton's Decker School of Nursing and using Eduroam for internet access, you should be able to access many Upstate resources seamlessly. However, there will be resources where SUNY Binghamton's access will be presented rather than Upstate's. In those instances, aside from McGrawHill resources, you will need to access the resource off Eduroam or submit an Interlibrary loan request for the item.
UHS / Wilson Library Resources
UHS Wilson Medical Center
33-57 Harrison Street
Johnson City, NY 13790
(North Tower Basement)
- Last Updated: Feb 20, 2025 7:19 AM
- URL: https://guides.upstate.edu/uhs
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