Graphic Medicine
Information on the use of the comics medium to explore issues in healthcare.
Books in the Health Sciences Library
- Aliceheimer's by Dana WalrathA memoir of the author's experiences of her mother's battle with dementia. The narrative illustrates the two-way nature of storytelling as a process that heals both the giver and the receiver of story.
- Bird in a Cage by Rebecca Roher (Artist)Once a sharp, strong-willed and independent woman, Roher's grandmother's life took an unexpected turn when an accident left her with a brain injury, leading to early onset dementia.This story illuminates the often overlooked narrative of a senior, her complicated history and inner life.
- Can't We Talk about Something More Pleasant? by Roz ChastISBN: 9781608198061Publication Date: 2014-05-06
- Dad's Not All There Any More by Alex DemetrisBased on his family's experience of his father's Lewy Body Dementia, Alex Demetris' comic explores one of the most common yet often unheard of types of dementia; what it is, its symptoms, living in a care home and the impact on people living with the condition and their families
- Dying for Attention by Susan MacLeodThe author's experience helping her accompanied her 90-year-old mother navigate a labyrinthine, often heartless long-term care system
- Little Josephine by Valérie Villieu; Sarfati Raphaël (Illustrator)A touching memoir that counters the traditional narrative around Alzheimer's and elder care.
- Special Exits by Joyce Farmer (Artist)Chronicles the final years of Lars and Rachel's lives, their relationship with one another and with their daughter, and how they cope with the emotional fragility of the most taxing time in their lives.
- Tangles by Sarah LeavittThis book confronts the complexity of Alzheimer's disease, shares a her family's journey through a harrowing range of emotions - shock, denial, hope, anger, frustration - all the while learning to cope, and managing to find moments of happiness. Also reveals moments, memories, and dreams that uncover a bond between a mother and a daughter that will never come apart
- A Thousand Coloured Castles by Gareth BrookesA beautifully illustrated graphic novel centering on a woman's experiences with Charles Bonnet syndrome, brought on by loss of vision and characterized by characterized by vivid and extraordinary hallucinations
- Wrinkles by Paco Roca (Artist)Admitted to a home for the elderly because he suffers from Alzheimer's disease, Emilio's community life feels like an ordeal. In accepting his environment, he and new friend Miguel invent creative ways to enliven their daily routines and strike a blow for personal freedom.
- One Hundred Year Old WisdomCartoonist Rebecca Roher interviews near 100 year-olds from around the world & making comics about their secrets to long life, personal histories & the ways they live today.
- Last Updated: Dec 3, 2024 7:22 AM
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