Graphic Medicine
Information on the use of the comics medium to explore issues in healthcare.
Climate Change
Books in the Health Sciences Library
Crude by Pablo Fajardo; Sophie Tardy-Joubert; Damien Roudeau (Illustrator); Hannah Chute (Translator)
Explores Texaco's involvement in the Amazon, as well as the ensuing legal battles between the oil company, the Ecuadorian government, and the region's inhabitants, from the perspective of Ecuadorian lawyer and activist Pablo FajardoDucks by Kate Beaton
In this memoir, Katie recounts the encounters the harsh reality of life in the Alberta oil sands, where trauma is an everyday occurrence yet is never discussed, and where egalitarian ethos and natural beauty of Canada converges with the exploitation of both the riches of the land and the humanity of the people.A Fire Story by Brian Fies
On October 9, 2017, wildfires burned through Northern California, resulting in 44 fatalities. In addition, 8,900 structures, including 6,200 homes, were destroyed, including the home of the author. Fies' first-hand account includes environmental insight, as well as the stories of others affected by the disasterPaying the Land by Joe Sacco
Joe Sacco travels the frozen North to reveal a people in conflict over the costs and benefits of development. The mining boom is only the latest assault on indigenous culture: Sacco recounts the shattering impact of a residential school system that aimed to "remove the Indian from the child"; the destructive process that drove the Dene from the bush into settlements and turned them into wage laborers; the government land claims stacked against the Dene Nation; and their uphill efforts to revive a wounded culture
- Are We Doomed? Five Cartoonists on Living Through Climate ChangeClimate change facts and reality checks, comics-style.
- Back to the LandHow “re-wilding” can help turn the tide of climate change
- BreathlessHow climate change disproportionally affects the most vulnerable
- Climate Change ComicsThe author's daily ruminations on climate change. Discusses science and history of climate change and our role in it
- Climate Changes HealthA comic about the variety of ways climate change is impacting our health. Includes blueprint for addressing the issues.
- How to Survive Climate ChangeA satirical yet well-researched comic on the global implications and impacts of climate change
- Pets Respond to the Climate ReportSometimes simple comments from our pets provide the sagest truths :)
- When A Tree Falls in A ForestA Malaysian community feels the effects of deforestation propagated by tourism companies secretly paving the way for a resort in their pursuit of profit.
- Reclaiming the Sacrifice ZoneOne account describing how an urban city's built environment contributed to environmental racism, resulting in disproportionate negative impacts on under-served populations. Ends with ideas for change. Free downloadable pdf
- Last Updated: Feb 19, 2025 11:50 AM
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