Graphic Medicine
Information on the use of the comics medium to explore issues in healthcare.
Why Comics?: Value in Health Care Education
- Fosters empathy for the patient and caregiver perspectives
- Requires visual and gestural literacy skills similar to those required for excellent patient care
- Allows for self-reflection and meaning-making of often complex topics
- Is a safe space to explore and express criticism of healthcare
- Reduces stigma
- Improves recall of information through use of storytelling and the combination of narrative and art
- Can express an alternate viewpoint
- Can make difficult subjects feel more approachable
- Is a means of effective patient outreach and communication
- Medium of comics can relieve stress
- Prompts classroom discussion in medical classroom (examples below)
Medically-themed comics inspire classroom discussions such as:
- The value of observing nonverbal cues
- The importance of attending to the patient's concerns
- Differences between the patient's and the physician's experience of illness
- The importance of truth telling in medicine
- The role of social and political factors in shaping illness
- The challenges of coping with mental illness and the ambivalence patients may feel about treatment
- The complexity of doctor-patient communication and the implications for informed decision making
Source: Czerwiec, M., Williams, I., Squier, S., Green, M., Myers, K., & Smith, S. (2015). Graphic medicine manifesto . The Pennsylvania State University Press.
Teaching Resources
- Comics for Health and Medicine: Educational ActivitiesLessons for use in the medical/health professions classroom. Focuses on the use of comics as a medium for communicating stories about medicine and the experience of illness. From the National Library of Medicine.
- Drawing TogetherFree drawing sessions with members of the graphic medicine community. Each session has a video, instructions, a topic, and a group facilitator. Engaging and educational
- Health Humanities Syllabus RepositorySearch graphic medicine in search box.
- Spin, Weave, CutResource for those who want to learn more about comics, use comics in education and create comics. Includes comics creation for blind and vision-impaired readers
- Annals of Internal Medicine: Annals Graphic MedicineBrings together original graphic narratives, comics, animation/feature, and other creative forms by those who provide or receive health care. They address medically relevant topics—be they poignant, thought-provoking, or just plain entertaining.
- Comics as a Pedagogical ToolAn interview with Nick Sousanis on how we construct knowledge, and the idea of graphic novels and comics as a powerful teaching tool.
- Graphic Medicine BulletinThe Latest Scholarship on Comics and Healthcare
- Why Comics for Knowledge TranslationFrom University of Washington Traumatic Brain Injury Model System. Explores and explains why the visual medium is an ideal form of communicating and absorbing information.
- Comics ActivitiesFun and educational drawings activities for class. Compiled by Ariel Pomputius (University of Florida) and Kathryn Houk (UNLV)
- Last Updated: Feb 19, 2025 11:50 AM
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