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ClinicalKey for Nursing

Learn how to get the most out of Upstate's top nursing resource.

Taking the test and claiming CE

1) Click the “Assigned Items” tab (if you’re coming back to this after logging out, you can find this through the eLearning tab under “My eLearning Lessons”).

Screenshot highlighting the Assigned Items tab


2) Scroll until you find the right lesson, then click on the title.

Screenshot highlighting a selected lesson


3) Another window will open. Depending on your browser and monitor, this may be very tiny - check the corner of your screen and enlarge as needed).

Screenshot of small popup window that needs resizing


4) This will be defaulted to the Quick Sheet view. When you've reviewed all materials and are ready to take the test, click the Test tab.

Screenshot of the default Quick Sheet view, with the Test tab highlighted


5) Answer all questions and then click "Submit Test" at the bottom of the page.


6) From the results page, click "Claim Certificates".

Screenshot highlighting the Claim Certificate button


7) Click **Complete Lesson Evaluation to access certificate**

Screenshot highlighting the "Complete Lesson Evaluation to access certificate" link

7) Add your License information, Learner Profile and Learner Demographics, then click "Submit".