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SUNY Open Access Repository (SOAR)

Learn how to boost discovery of your work through Upstate's open access repository.

About SOAR and SUNY Open Access

The SUNY Open Access Repository (SOAR) is a digital repository for making full-text, copyright-compliant versions of Upstate's scholarly works available as open access. The Health Sciences Library archives articles, dissertations, and theses produced by faculty, staff, and students at our campus. 


Most publishers allow a version of an article (usually either the submitted or accepted manuscript) to be submitted to a repository like SOAR. See the Jisc open policy finder (formerly Sherpa-Romeo) to look up a policy by publisher or journal title.


Making your work available as open access can offer several benefits:

  • Increased discoverability of works by Google and Google Scholar
  • Increased citation rates (due to more users finding your works)
  • Remove paywall barriers to your research without paying APCs (for articles without a funder OA requirement)
  • Persistent links to works