SUNY Open Access Repository (SOAR)
Which article version to submit?
More than 80% of well-established publishers and journals allow a version of an an article to be self-archived on an author's website or a repository. Jisc maintains open policy finder (formerly Sherpa-Romeo), a database of journal open access policy terms and conditions.
After finding your journal, click the dropdown arrows to see the details for each pathway. Look for one that includes "Institutional Repository" or "Any Website" in the location.
Pay close attention to which version may be archived: Published, Accepted, or Submitted. The Accepted Version is most common, but in some cases the publisher might allow the Published Version, or might restrict archiving to the Submitted Version.
If any part of a pathway doesn't apply (such as an "OA Fee" when no such fee has been mentioned/paid), move on to the next pathway until you find the best fit.
Here are Jisc's definitions of each version:
Published Version: the publisher-created published version, that has been peer-reviewed and undergone the production process, such as copy editing and typesetting.
- Also known as: Final Published Version, Version of Record
Accepted Version: the final author-created version that incorporates peer-review comments and is accepted for publication.
- Also known as: Authors Accepted Manuscript (AAM), Authors accepted version, Final Author version, Post-print
Submitted Version: the version that has been submitted to a publisher for peer review.
- Also known as: Author's Original Manuscript (AOM), Original manuscript, Pre-print
Also note any Embargos, License restrictions (if in doubt, ask the publisher), and Conditions. Many journals will require a citation of the published source, and possibly also a link to the published article on the journal's site.
Detailed information is available on Jisc's Records Help page. For assistance using Jisc or determining the best version to archive, please contact the Library at
- Last Updated: Jan 15, 2025 2:29 PM
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