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Diversity in Medicine and Science at Upstate

This subject guide celebrates diversity at Upstate Medical University by highlighting individuals who have made significant contributions to Upstate's mission and to medicine and science in general.

Mantosh A. Dewan MD

Photo of Mantosh J. Dewan MD

Mantosh J. Dewan MD graduated from Bombay University, T.N. Medical College in Bombay India with an MB and BS in 1975. He came to the U.S. that same year and began an internship in Mixed Medicine and Psychiatry at SUNY Upstate. From 1976-1979 he was a Psychiatric resident at Upstate and served as chief resident from 1977-1979. He was made assistant professor of Psychiatry in 1979; promoted to associate professor in 1985; and made full professor in 1992.

Dr. Dewan was made chair of the Psychiatry department in 1999. Under his leadership, Upstate established psychiatric services in Watertown to serve soldiers and families at Fort Drum. He worked for years to increase the availability and quality of mental health services in Onondaga County, including advocating for the Hutchings Psychiatric Center when it was considered for closing in 2001 and 2003. He established a fellowship in child psychiatry at Upstate and created assessment and treatment programs for children entering foster care. Dr. Dewan helped establish training services for public mental health providers in Greene, Lewis and Jefferson counties. He was asked to step down as chair in 2011, with little explanation from the University and with much outrage among the local mental health profession. Dr. Dewan continued his work at Upstate as a faculty member and a resurgence of faith in his efforts was evident when he was made interim dean of the College of Medicine from 2016-2017.

Dr. Dewan was named a SUNY Distinguished Service Professor in 2009. He is a Distinguished Life Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association and was the winner of APA’s George Tarjan Award in 2010. Dr. Dewan was named Interim President of Upstate in December 2018 and became President in 2020.



Resources for Mantosh J. Dewan MD

1. Interviews with Mantosh J. Dewan MD 


2. Bibliographical Information for Mantosh J. Dewan MD 


3. Other Resources for Mantosh J. Dewan MD  


Photo of Mantosh Dewan seated  

Bibliography - Grants

Bioavailability Study of Clozapine, Co-Investigator 1983

The Steady State Bioavailability of Mellaril Tablets, Co-Investigator 1984

Hendricks Fund for Medical Research: Affective Disorders-Biological subtyping using EEG, CT scan, and Neuropsychological test results, Principal Investigator 1984

Brain imaging in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, Amersham Inc., Principal Investigator 1990

Biological assessment of Schizophrenic patients,Hendricks Fund for Medical research, Co-Investigator 1991

SPECT changes in Obsessive Compulsive Disordered patients treated with medicationor behavior therapy, Hendricks fund for Medical research, Co-Investigator 1991

A double blind study comparing the efficacy and safety of two doses of oral CP-88,059 in acute exacerbation of Schizophrenia and Schizoaffective Disorder, Pfizer, Inc., Principal Investigator 1993                 

52-Week, Open-label, Randomized Study Evaluating the safety and efficacy of Oral Ziprasidone (CP-88, 059-l) (40-80 mg BID) and Risperidone (3-5 mg, BID) in the Maintenance Treatment of Outpatients with Schizophrenia or Schizoaffective Disorder 128-ll7, Pfizer, Inc., Principal Investigator 1995

A randomized, double-blind crossover comparison of the effects of desloratidine vs.   Diphenhydramine vs. Placebo on managerial performance in subjects with seasonal allergic rhinitis, P01865-01 Integrated Therapeutics Group, Inc (Schering-Plough Corp.), Co-Investigator 2000

A controlled trial of olanzapine versus ziprasidone in the treatment of schizophrenic and schizoaffective subjects with comorbid depresssion, F1D-US-HGJU, Eli Lilly Co, Principal Investigator 2001

“Increasing the specificity of neurocognitive impairment: Impact of Olanzapine in patients with Schizophrenia”, Eli Lilly, Co-investigator 2004

Open-Label, Dose-Titration, Long-Term Safety Study to Evaluate CONCERTA® at Doses    of 36 mg, 54 mg, 72 mg, 90 mg and 108 mg per day in Adults with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, McNeil, Co-PI 2006

“Genomic Psychiatric Cohort” USC/National Institutes of Mental Health, 5RO1MH085548 Pato C, PI: Total funding $3,828,698 Subcontract to SUNY Upstate/RF Co-PI (with Morley C), SUNY Upstate sub-award 2008-2013

“Upstate Center for Excellence in Psychiatry” HRSA, PI 2009-2014

Bibliography - Papers Presented (national and international)

"An Organic Subgroup of Schizophrenia" (with A.K. Pandurangi, S.H. Lee, M. Boucher, B. Levy, T. Ramachandran and L.F. Major), American Psychiatric Association, Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, 1984.

"Ventriculomegaly and Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus in Psychiatric Patients" (with P.A. Bick), American Psychiatric Association, Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, 1984

"Brief Psychotherapy," Department of Psychiatry, T.N. Medical College, Bombay University, April 27, 1993

"Research on $10 a day," Annual meeting, American Association of Directors of Psychiatric Residency Training, New Orleans, January 1994.

"Psychiatry: From the Garden of Eden to Jurassic Park," Annual meeting, American Association of Directors of Psychiatric Residency Training, Tucson, AZ, January 1995.

"Schizophrenia Update," T.N. Medical College, Bombay University, 1995.

"Doing Research without External Funding (or research on $20 a day!)," Annual Meeting, American Psychiatric Association, Miami, Florida, May 1995.

"Challenges of International Education," Workshop, Council on International Education, Annual Meeting, American Psychiatric Association, Miami, Florida, May 1995.

"Borderline Personality Disorder", Bombay Psychiatric Society, Bombay, February 1996.

"The science and politics of DSM-IV", T.N. Medical College, Bombay University, February 1996.

"Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in Adults", T.N. Medical College, Bombay University, March 1996.

"Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in College Students", Annual meeting, New York State College Health Association, Ithaca, New York, October 1996.

“Kindlers versus non-kindlers: A study of phenomenology, sociodemographics, stressors and insight variables in schizophrenia” (with Patil A, Dave M, Panwar VS, Dhawale HS, Pinto C), Indian Psychiatric Association, Jaipur, India, January 1997

"Workforce issues in Psychiatry", Discussant, Annual meeting of the Indo-American Psychiatrists Association, San Diego, CA, May 1997.

“What I don't know about schizophrenia!" Bombay Psychiatric Society, Bombay, March 1997.

"Psychological development in the adult", Bombay University, Feb 1998

"Practical application of psychodynamic understanding", Bombay University, February 1998.

"Psychiatry: From the Garden of Eden to Jurassic Park", Annual Meeting, Indo-American Psychiatric Association, Toronto, May 1998

“Phenomenology and psychodynamic understanding of patients with Borderline Personality Disorder” Bombay University, February 1999.

“What I do not know about schizophrenia!” Bombay University, Jan 2000

“The Difficult To Treat Psychiatric Patient”, Symposium Chair, Annual meeting of the American Psychiatric Association, Chicago, May 2000.

“Making it in academia”, symposium on “International Medical Graduates: Career Choices”, Annual meeting of the American Psychiatric Association, Chicago, May 2000.

“Psychiatric education: A look into the future”, Bombay University, Jan 2001

“Effect of terrorism on children”, Bombay University, February 2002.

“The difficult to treat psychiatric patient”, Bombay University, Feb 2002.

“The difficult to treat depressed patient”, APA Institute on Psychiatric Services, Chicago, October 2002. Also symposium Chair.

“Competence in Psychiatric Education”, Bombay University, January 2003.

“Combined treatment of patients with depression”, Medical College of Georgia, Augusta, February 2003.

“Treatment of Borderline patients”, Regional Psychiatric Center, Augusta, February 2003.

“Research on a shoestring budget”, American Association of Directors of Psychiatry Residency Training, Puerto Rico, March 2003.

“The difficult to treat depressed patient”, Annual Meeting of the American Psychiatric Association, San Francisco, May 2003.

“Evaluating clinical competence: Current options, Future directions”, ibid, symposium Chair.

“Facilitating research on minority populations by minority researchers”, workshop, Annual meeting of the American Psychiatric Association, New York, May 2004.

“The Art and Science of Brief Psychotherapies”, symposium Chair, ibid.

“Research on a shoestring budget”. Grand Rounds, SUNY Downstate Medical Center, Brooklyn, November 2004.

“Psychological development of the adult”. T.N. Medical College, Mumbai, March 2005.

“Funding for Psychiatry: From the irrational to the rational” APA Council on Healthcare Systems and Financing workshop, APA Annual meeting, Atlanta, May 2005.

“The Art and Science of Brief Therapies”, symposium Chair, ibid.

“The making of a competent psychotherapist: Addressing the new RRC guidelines”, symposium Chair, ibid.

“Research on a shoe-string budget”, Maimonides Medical Center, Brooklyn, October 2005.

“Objects of the mind”, K.E.M. Medical College, Mumbai, February 2006.

“Evidence based psychiatry: challenges in the real world”, T.N. Medical College, Mumbai, February 2006.

“Searching for the mind”, Radiation Medicine Center, Mumbai, Feb 2006.  

“Evidence based psychiatry”, SAMHSA 2nd Action Planning Conference on Iraqi Mental Health, Cairo, March 2006.

“Treatment resistant depression”, American Academy of Clinical Psychiatrists annual meeting, San Francisco, April 2006.

“The effective psychotherapist”, symposium chair, APA annual meeting, Toronto, May 2006.

“The art and science of Brief therapies”, ibid.

“The effective use of the SCID”, Mumbai, India, June 2006.

IMaGine 2012”, American Association of Directors of Psychiatric Residency Training, San Juan, March 2007.

“Objects of the schizophrenic mind” KEM Medical College, Mumbai, April 2007.

“Brief Therapies: an update for clinicians” (Chair), American Psychiatric Association annual meeting, San Diego, May 2007.

“Research training for all psychiatric residents: a problematic endeavor, ibid.

“Simple technologies to improve psychotherapy outcome” (Chair), ibid.

“DSM-V: A look back at the future” T.N. Medical College, Mumbai, Feb 2008     

“Requiring residents to do research”, American Psychiatric Association annual meeting, Washington DC, May 2008.

“The research method sharpens all clinicians.” American Psychiatric Association annual meeting, San Francisco, May 2009.

“Endless opportunities in residency”, ibid.

“Mass Murderers: from Raman Raghav to Saddam Hussein”, 2nd A P Patkar Oration, TN  Medical College, Mumbai, February 2010

“The difficult to treat psychiatric patient”, ibid.

“Notes from below and above the glass ceiling”, Busharat Ahmad Leadership Development program, annual meeting of the American Medical Association, Chicago, June 2010.

“IMaGine: The untapped potential of IMGs”, Tarjan award presentation, Institute on Psychiatric Services annual meeting, October 2010.

“The difficult to treat patient”, Nassau University Medical Center, Oct 2010.

“Psychotherapy of a rape victim”, T.N. Medical College, Mumbai, March 2011.

“Lage Raho DSM5”, T.N. Medical College, Mumbai, March 2011

“Notes from below and above the glass ceiling”, American Association of Physicians from India Leadership Development Seminar, Chicago, April 2011

“Notes from below and above the glass ceiling”, American Association of  Physicians from India Leadership Development Seminar, Detroit, April 2011

“Strategies for successful careers in Psychiatry”, American Psychiatric Association annual meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii, May 2011.

“The Exemplary Chair: What I know now (and wish I knew then)”, webinar for new Chairs appointed in all disciplines SUNY-wide, October 2011.

“Simulation Management System (SMS) and real world training”, 12th annual International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare, San Diego, CA, January 2012.

“How we think”, T. N. Medical College, Mumbai, February 2012.

“Why depression defeats us”, T. N. Medical College, Mumbai, March 2012.

“Strategies for successful careers in Psychiatry”, IMG Institute, American Psychiatric Association annual meeting, Philadelphia, May 2012.

“Challenges in Brief Dynamic Therapy”, in Master Course on “Challenges in Dynamic Psychotherapy”, American Psychiatric Association annual meeting, Philadelphia, May 2012.

“It’s not what you know; it’s how you think”, Karolinska Institut, Stockholm, Sweden, May 2012

“Toward improved decision- making: patients, providers and healthcare delivery.” Australian Institute for Health Innovation, U of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia, September 2012.

“Analysis of decision making in the health care delivery system: patients and physicians” (with U. Satish, A. Satish, S. Krishnamurthy), SimHealth 2012, Sydney, Australia, September 2012.

“How people change”, T.N. Medical College, Mumbai, February 2013

“Strategies for successful careers in Psychiatry”, IMG Institute, American Psychiatric Association annual meeting, Philadelphia, May 2013.

“Brief Therapy: Overview.” Advances in Brief Therapy symposium, American Psychiatric Association annual meeting, Philadelphia, May 2013.

“Keys to successful careers in American Psychiatry: Do’s and Don’ts” Institute on Psychiatric Services, Philadelphia, October 2013.

“Dhoom 2014: will it improve patient outcomes?” T.N. Medical College, Mumbai, January 2014.

“Cognitive simulation-based evaluation and training” American University of the Caribbean, St Maarten, March 2014 (with U. Satish)

“Decision making in healthcare: evaluation and training” 7th annual Healthcare Simulation Conference on The Key To Expert Practice, Kansas City, KS, September 2014 (with U.Satish)

“Evaluating Cognitive Ability utilizing the SMS”, ibid

“Building a Scenario with the Expert”, ibid.

“Is the psychology of schizophrenia relevant?”, University of California Irvine, October 2014.

“Understanding the person with schizophrenia”, Penn State Hershey Medical Center, November 2014.

“Treatment Adherence”, Jonkoping Academy for Improvement of Health and Welfare, School of Health Sciences, Jonkoping University, Sweden, December 2014 (with U.Satish)

“Brief therapy of personality disorders: doing the impossible quickly”, Alabama Psychiatric Association annual meeting, Montgomery, AL, April 2015.

“Contribution of common versus specific factors to therapy (or medication) outcome.” Chair and presenter, ‘Brief Therapy: Practical clinical pearls’ symposium, American Psychiatric Association annual meeting, Toronto, May 2015.

“How to be a more effective therapist: a simple approach to “difficult” patients” Dothan, AL, September 2015.

“The ‘difficult’ patient and poor outcomes.” Chair and presenter, ‘Brief therapy for ‘difficult patients’ symposium, American Psychiatric Association annual meeting, Atlanta, May 2016.

“Good mourning” T.N. Medical College, Mumbai, September 2016.

“Why we don’t treat personality disorders” T.N. Medical College, Mumbai, February 2017

"How to help more patients: Brief therapy for all?!” Half day workshop on the therapy of  persons with depression, schizophrenia, and personality disorders. All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India, September 2017.

Papers Presented (regional and local)

"Pre-admission Screening and Contracts:  A Therapeutic Tool," Upstate Medical Center, Department of Psychiatry Colloquium, 1977

"Reality, Fantasy and Psychiatry in Another Culture: India," Meeting of the Onondaga District Branch of the American Psychiatric Association, 1977

"Are the Results of Psychotherapy Influenced by the Ethnic or Racial Background of the Patient or Therapist?" (some factual answers), Upstate Medical Center, Department of Psychiatry Colloquium, 1978

"Care of the Schizophrenic Person - The Crucial Distinction Between Management and Treatment," Upstate Medical Center, Department of Psychiatry Colloquium, 1979

"Recent Advances in the Biology of Schizophrenia," Meeting of PROMISE, Syracuse, 1983

"A Comprehensive Study of Schizophrenic Patients," Upstate Medical Center, Department of Psychiatry Colloquium, 1983

"The Uses and Abuses of CT Scans in Psychiatry," Hutchings Psychiatric Center, 1984.

 "Diagnosis Related Groupings:  A look beneath the surface" (with R. Daly), SUNY Health Science Center, Department of Psychiatry, l987

"Manic Depressive Illness," Manic Depressive Illness Support Group, Syracuse, New York, l987.

 "Lithium and other drugs in the treatment of Bipolar Disorder," Manic Depressive Illness Support Group, Syracuse, New York, l988.

"A case of depression in a Hmong woman," Discussant, SUNY Health Science Center, Department of Psychiatry, 1989.

 "Choice of a specific antidepressant in medically ill patients," Oswego Hospital, 1990.

 "Obsessive-compulsive disorder," Mohawk Valley Psychiatric Center, Utica, NY, 1990.

"The diagnosis and treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder," Binghamton Psychiatric Center, Binghamton, 1990.

"Obsessive-compulsive disorder," Syracuse Developmental Center, 1990

"Utility and Promise of Brain Imaging Techniques in Psychiatry," APA District Branch Meeting, 1990

"An update on obsessive-compulsive disorder," Albany VA Medical Center, 1991

"What is O.C.D.," O.C.D. Support Group, Syracuse, 1991

"Antidepressants in primary medical practice," Cortland Memorial Hospital, 1991

"Biological basis and Pharmacological Treatment of O.C.D.," Buffalo Psychiatric Center, 1991

"Newer treatments for Bipolar Disorder," Binghamton Psychiatric Center, 1991

 "Biological findings, SPECT, and Treatment in O.C.D.," Buffalo V.A. Medical Center, 1991

 Moderator, local site, AMA Depression in Primary Care Teleconference, Syracuse, NY, 1991

"Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder in primary care," St. Peter's Hospital, Albany, 1992

"Treatment of Depression in the Elderly," Niagara Falls Hospital, 1992

 "Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder," Lowville Community Hospital, 1992

"Treatment of Depression in the Elderly," Syracuse, 1992

"O.C.D. in primary care," St. Joseph's Hospital, Syracuse, 1992

 "Nicotine replacement and smoking cessation:  Medical issues," Mohawk Valley Psychiatric Center, Utica, 1992

 "A basic understanding of schizophrenia," Annual meeting, National Alliance of the Mentally Ill, New York State Conference, Syracuse, October 1993.

"Management of depression in primary care practice," Fourth Annual Lifecare Conference, Waterloo, November 4, 1993.

 "When Therapy and Pastoral Counseling are not enough: The Role of Psychiatry and Psychopharmacology," NAMI Conference, Syracuse, 1994

“DSM-IV Workshop”, Hutchings Psychiatric Center, Syracuse, New York, June 1995.

“DSM-IV Workshop”, Central New York Psychiatric Center, Marcy, New York, July 1995.

"Update on newer treatments for depression", St. Joseph's Hospital, Syracuse, April 1996.

"Update on depression", Auburn, New York, May 1996.

"Depression in the elderly", Loretto Geriatric Center, Syracuse, New York, May 1996.

"Depression in elderly patients seen in primary care", County Medical Society annual meeting, Mexico, New York, June 1996.

"Pharmacological management of depression in a managed  care setting", Olean, New York, July 1996.

"Panic Disorder in primary care practice", Kingston, New York, November 1996.

 "Focus on depression", Binghamton, April 1997.

 "The many faces of depression", Syracuse, June 1997.

"Focus on depression", Bradford, PA, June 1997.

 "New concepts in the treatment of schizophrenia", Binghamton, NY, October 1997.

 "Identifying and treating depression", Wilson Memorial Regional Center,  Johnson City, NY, October 1997.

“Depression: A community's perspective", Southern Tier Managed Care Coalition's Third Annual Managed Care Conference, Binghamton, NY, October 1997.

 "Panic Disorders in Medical practice", Robert Packer Hospital Grand Rounds, Sayre, PA, October 1997.

"Depression in primary care", Amherst, NY, December 1997

"Healing the Mind and Body", Maxwell School, Syracuse University, March 1998

"Psychological understanding of schizophrenia", Mohawk Valley Psychiatric Center, March 1998

"Depression in primary care patients", Wilson Memorial Hospital, Johnson City, NY, May 1998

"A newer understanding of schizophrenia", Auburn, NY, June 1998

"Comparison of antidepressants", Mohawk Valley Psychiatric Center, June 1998

 “Depression and managed care”, Annual meeting of the Susquehanna Medical Group, Johnson City, NY, September 1998

“Improving the diagnosis and treatment of depression in primary care”, Waterloo, NY, November 1998

“The Treatment of Schizophrenic Persons: Lessons Learned from the Decade of the Brain”, NAMI-PROMISE, Inc. Conference, Syracuse, New York, October 1999.

“Psychopathology and Management of Bipolar Disorder”, Psychopharmacology Seminar, Whitesboro, NY, April 2000.

“Medical Coercion: Lessons from the treatment of schizophrenia and tuberculosis”, SUNY Upstate Medical University, June 2001.

“Lessons from the mental health trenches in Syracuse”, Pilgrim State Hospital retreat, Long Island, July 2001.

“Rays of Hope in the Treatment of Schizophrenia”, NAMI Conference, Syracuse, September 2001.     

“Diagnosis and Treatment of schizophrenia”, Four Winds Psychiatric Hospital, Syracuse, March 2002.

“Management of Borderline Personality Disorder”, Annual Psychopharmacology Seminar, Utica, April 2002.

“On terrorism and terrorists”, Thursday Night Club, Syracuse, 2003.

“Hope and recovery: the small things that will make a big difference”, NAMI annual conference, Syracuse, October 2005.

“Why don’t you practice the way you should? CNY District Branch, American Psychiatric Association, Syracuse, September 2006.

“The difficult to treat patient: schizophrenia” Broome County Mental Health Binghamton, October 2008.

“Putting the person back in the ‘person with schizophrenia’”, NAMI Syracuse annual conference, Syracuse, October 2008.

“Resolved: Psychiatry and Neurology should merge as one discipline” (Opposed), Psychiatry Grand Rounds, Upstate Medical University, Aug 2009

“The future is now: How to make Good Doctors and Better Patients.” Upstate Medical University, Syracuse, January 2013.

“How to be a more effective therapist: a simple approach to “difficult” patients” Binghamton, April 2106.

Bibliography - Publications

Haldipur CV, Dewan M, Beal M:  Fear in the Countertransference. Am J of Psychotherapy 36:240-247, 1982.

Dewan MJ, Pandurangi AK, Boucher ML, Levy BF, Major LF: Abnormal Dexamethasone Suppression Tests Results in Chronic Schizophrenic Patients.  Am J Psych 139:1501-1503, 1982.

Dewan MJ, Pandurangi AK, Lee SH, Ramachandran T, Levy B, Boucher M, Yozawitz A, Major LF:Central Brain Morphology in Chronic Schizophrenic Patients:  A Controlled CT Study. Biol Psychiat 18:1133-1140, 1983.

Dewan MJ, Pandurangi AK, Lee SH, Ramachandran T, Levy B, Boucher M, Yozawitz A, Major L:  Cerebellar Morphology in Chronic Schizophrenic Patients: A Controlled Computed Tomography Study.  Psychiat Res 10: 97-103, 1983.

Pandurangi AK, Dewan MJ, Lee SH, Ramachandran T, Levy B, Boucher M, Yozawitz A, Major L.  The Ventricular System in Chronic Schizophrenic Patients: A Controlled Computed Tomography Study. Brit J Psychiat 144: 172-176, 1984.

Devanand DP, Pandurangi AK, Dewan MJ:  False Positive Dexamethasone Suppression Test Results Related to Antipsychotic Drug Withdrawal:  A Case Report.  J Clin Psychiat   45:275-276, 1984.

Dewan MJ, Bick PA:  Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus and Psychiatric Patients. Biol Psychiat 20:1127-1131, 1985.

 Dewan MJ, Pandurangi AK, Levy B, Boucher M, Major L:  Are Schizophrenics with Abnormal DST Results a Distinct Subgroup?  Acta Psychiat Scand 72:274-277, 1985.

Dewan M, Pandurangi AK, Lee SH, Ramachandran T, Levy B, Boucher M, Yozawitz A, Major L:  A Comprehensive Study of Chronic Schizophrenic Patients.  I:  Quantitative Computed Tomography.  Acta Psychiat Scand 73:152-160, 1986.

Pandurangi AK, Dewan M, Boucher M, Levy B, Phelps B, Ramachandran T, Bartell K, Major L:  A Comprehensive Study of Chronic Schizophrenic Patients.  II: Biological, Neuropsychological, and Clinical Correlates of CT Abnormality. Acta Psychiat Scand 73:161-171, 1986.

Boucher M, Dewan M, Pandurangi A, Levy B, Major L, Bartell K, Diamond T:  Relative Utility of Three Indices of Neuropsychological Impairment in a Young Chronic Schizophrenic Population.  J Nerv Mental Dis 174:44-46, 1986.

Varma R, Dewan M, Ashutosh K:  Respiratory Center Sensitivity to Carbon Dioxide in Schizophrenia. Respiration 52:34-41, 1987.

Dewan M, Haldipur CV, Lane E, Donnelly MP, Boucher M, Major L:  Normal Cerebral Asymmetry in Bipolar Patients. Biol Psychiat 22:1058-1066, 1987.

Dewan M, Haldipur C, Boucher M, Major L:  Is CT ventriculomegaly related to hypercortisolemia? Acta Psychiat Scand 77:230-231, 1988.

Dewan M, Haldipur C, Lane E, Ispahani A, Boucher M, Major L:  Bipolar Affective Disorder I: Comprehensive quantitative computed tomography.  Acta Psychiat Scand 77:670-676, 1988.

Dewan M, Haldipur C, Boucher M. Ramachandran T, Major L:  Bipolar Affective Disorder II.  EEG, neuropsychological, and clinical correlates of CT abnormality.  Acta Psychiat Scand 77:677-682, 1988.

Dewan MJ, Levy B, Donnelly MP:  A positive view of Psychiatry and Psychiatrists. Comprehensive Psychiatry 29:523-531, 1988.

Dewan MJ:  Adding medication to ongoing psychotherapy:  Indications and pitfalls. American Journal of Psychotherapy 46:102-110, 1992.

 Dewan MJ, Huszonek J, Koss M, Hardoby W, Ispahani A:  The use of antidepressants in the elderly: 1986 and 1989. Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry and Neurology 5:40-44, 1992.

 Dewan MJ, Gupta S:  Congruence between Hindu philosophy and Otto Rank`s ideas. Psychological Reports 70:127-130, 1992. 

Gupta S, Ghaly N, Dewan MJ:  Augmenting Fluoxetine with Dextroamphetamine to Treat Refractory Depression. Hospital and Community Psychiatry, 43:281-283, 1992.

Dewan MJ, Gupta S:  Toward a definitive diagnosis of Alzheimer`s disease.  Comprehensive Psychiatry, 33:4:282-290, 1992.

Margo G, Greenberg R, Fisher S, Dewan MJ:  A Direct Comparison of the Defense Mechanisms of Non-depressed People and Depressed Psychiatric Inpatients.  Comprehensive Psychiatry, 34: 65-69, 1993.

Margo GM, Dewan MJ, Fisher S, Greenberg RP:  A comparison of three depression rating scales. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 75:144-146, 1992.

Popli AP, Masand PS, Dewan MJ:  Factitious disorders with psychological symptoms. J. Clinical Psychiatry, 53:9:315-318, 1992.

Huszonek J, Dewan M, Koss M, Hardoby W, Ispahani A:  Antidepressant side effects and physician prescribing patterns. Annals of Clinical Psychiatry 5:7-11, 1993.

 Huszonek J, Dewan M, Donnelly MP:  Factors associated with antidepressant choice. Psychosomatics, 36:1:42-47, 1995.

Dewan MJ, Koss M:  The clinical impact of reported variance in antipsychotic potencies. Acta Psychiatr Scan, 9l:229-232, l995.

Blumberg DL, Grant WD, Hendricks SR, Kamps CA, Dewan MJ. The Physician and Unconventional Medicine, Alternative Therapies, l:3:31-35, l995.

Anand V, Dewan M:  Withdrawal Emergent Dyskinesia in a patient on Risperidone undergoing dosage reduction Annals of Clin Psychiatry, 8:3:179-182, 1996.

 Alao AO, Dewan M: Psychological Sequelae of Sickle Cell Disease: A Case Report. Primary Psychiatry, pp. 109-110, 1999

Dewan M, Anand V: Evaluating the tolerability of the newer antidepressants. J. Nerv Ment Dis, 187:96-101,1999.

Dewan M: Are psychiatrists cost-effective? An analysis of integrated versus split treatment. Am J Psychiatry 156:2:324-326, 1999.

Dewan M, Yohai N: The combined Brief Psychotherapy- Psychopharmacology Fellowship. Academic Psychiatry 23:2: 103- 104, 1999.

Megna J, Dewan M: A naturalistic study of risperidone maintenance treatment of outpatients with severe mental illness. Psychiatric Services 50(8):1084-6, 1999.

Megna J, Dewan M: The Role of Mirtazapine (Remeron) in the treatment of depression. Current Practice of Medicine, 2:9, 1999. 

Alao AO, Yolles JC, Armenta W, Demer J, Dewan M: Psychiatric Complications of Cannabis. Journal Prac. Psych. and Behav. Hlth., 5:275-282, 1999

Alao AO, Yolles JC, Armenta WC, Dewan MJ: Somnambulism Precipitated by Selective Serotonin-Reuptake Inhibitors. J Pharm Technol, 15: ,1999.

Alao AO, Yolles JC, Armenta WA, Dewan MJ, Pine DJ: Sleep Difficulties Among People with Mental Retardation. Primary Psychiatry, 7: 67-74, 2000.

Devitt PJ, Devitt AC, Dewan M: Does Identifying a Discharge as “Against Medical Advice” Confer Legal Protection? J Family Practice 49:224-227, 2000.

Schwartz TL, Dewan MJ, Armenta WA: Sustained Manic Delirium, J of Pharmacy Technology 16:(4):147-150,2000.

Devitt, PJ, Devitt AC, Dewan M: An Examination of Whether Discharging Patients Against Medical Advice Protects Physicians from Malpractice Charges, Psychiatric Services, 51:(7):899-902, 2000.

Pinto C, Dhavale HS, Nair S, Patil B, Dewan M: Borderline Personality disorder exists in India. J Nerv Ment Dis 188:386-388, 2000.

Malhi GS, Dewan M: Topics in contemporary psychiatric practice: Neuroimaging. Intl J of Psychiatry in Clin Practice, 5:1-2, 2001.

Alao A, Dewan M: A review of the psychiatric complications of malaria. J of Depression and Anxiety 4: 27-30, 2001

Alao A, Dewan M: Evaluating the tolerability of the newer mood stabilizers. J Nerv Ment Disease, 189:60-63, 2001.

Dewan M, Manring J: Psychiatrists are cost-effective: Comparing Integrated versus Split Treatment in Depression. Directions in Psychiatry 21: 231-237, 2001.

Alao A, Dewan M: Psychiatric complications of malaria. Intl J of Psychiatry in Medicine 31:217-223, 2001.

Megna J, Devitt P, Sauro M, Dewan M: Gabapentin’s effect on agitation in severely and persistently mentally ill patients. Annals of Pharmacotherapy 36:12-16, 2002.

Alao A, Malhotra K, Dewan M: Comparing the side effect profile of the Atypical antipsychotics. WAJM 21:4: 313-315, 2002.

Satish U, Streuffert S, Dewan M: Impact of the burden of Allergic Rhinitis on simulated Real World functioning: a pilot investigation. J Allergy & Clin Immunology 109: S122, 2002.

Alao A, Leso L, Dewan M, Johnson E: Psychotic symptoms in Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. S. African Psych Review 6:21-24, 2003.

Alao A, Jindal S, Dewan M: Psychopathology in sickle cell disease. WAJM 22:334-337, 2003.

Dhavale H, Pinto C, Dass J, Rane A, Kedare J, Kamath M, Dewan M: Prophylaxis of antipsychotic induced extrapyramidal side effects in East Indians: Cultural practice or biological necessity? J Psychiatric Practice 10:3: 200-202, 2004

Alao A, Malhotra K, Pies R, Dewan M: Pharmacotherapy of treatment resistant depression. WAJM 22:3:211-217, 2003.

Manring J, Beitman B, Dewan M: Evaluating competence in psychotherapy. Academic Psychiatry 27:3:136-144, 2003.

Eisner A, Pato C, Dewan M, Pato M: From genomics to proteonomics: new directions in neuropsychiatry. Acta NeuroPsychiatrica 15: 388-397, 2003.

Satish U, Streuffert S, Dewan M, VanderVoort S: Improvements in simulated real world performance for patients with seasonal allergic rhinitis: Impact of desloratidine. Allergy 59: 415-420, 2004.

Megna J, Gupta S, Ursino A, Dewan M: Variable effects of psychosocial factors on the clinical course of schizophrenia. Annals of Clinical Psychiatry 17: 19-22, 2005.

Seethalakshmi R, Dhavale H, Gawande S, Dewan M: Factors affecting psychiatric comorbidity following motor vehicle crashes: A pilot study from India. J Psychiatric Practice 12:415-418, 2006.

Kunwar A, Dewan M, Faraone S: Treating comorbid conditions associated with ADHD. Expert Opinion on Pharmacotherapy 8:555-62, 2007.

Rao N, Saunders R, Twemlow S, Lomax J, Dewan M et al: An annotated bibliography of the professional literature on international medical graduates. Academic Psychiatry 31: 68-83, 2007

Seethalakshmi R, Dhavale H, Suggu K, Dewan M: Catatonic syndrome: importance of detection and treatment with lorazepam. Annals of Clinical Psychiatry 20: 5-8. 2008

Satish U, Manring J, Gregory R, Krishnamurthy S, Streufert S, Dewan M: Novel assessment of Psychiatric residents: SMS simulations. ACGME Bulletin, 1:18-23, 2009.

Krishnamurthy S, Satish U, Foster T, Streufert S, Dewan M, Krummel T:  Components of critical decision making and ABSITE assessment: Toward a more comprehensive evaluation. J of Graduate Medical Education 2: 273-277, 2009.

 Hesham et al: A roadmap for Observorship Programs in Psychiatry for International Medical graduates. Academic Psychiatry 36:4: 1-7, 2012.

Hartz S, Pato C, Medeiros H et al: Comorbidity of severe psychotic disorders with measures of substance abuse. JAMA Psychiatry 71; 3: 248-254, 2014.

 Dewan M, Manring J, Satish U: The New Milestones: Do we need to take a step back to move a mile forward? Academic Psychiatry 39; 147-150, 2015.

Shivale S, Dewan M: Maximizing adherence: the art and science of prescribing. J of Fam Pract 64; 400-406, 2015.

Mukherjee S, Shah H, Ramanathan S, Dewan M: Knowledge and Attitudes about Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Specific Learning Disorder in an Urban Indian population. JNMD 204 (6); 458-63, 2016. doi:10.1097/NMD.0000000000000524

Dewan M: The psychology of schizophrenia: implications for biological and psychotherapeutic treatments. JNMD 204 (8): 564-9, 2016.

Dewan M, Walia K, Meszaros Z, et al: Using meaningful outcomes to differentiate change from innovation in medical education. Academic  Psychiatry 41; 100-105, 2017. DOI 10.1007/s40596-016-0515-1

Dewan M, Norcini J: A purpose-driven 4th year of medical school. Acad Med Oct 3, 2017. doi: 10.1097/ACM.0000000000001949.

Bibilography - Books

Dewan M, Pies R (Eds): The difficult to treat  psychiatric patient. American Psychiatric   Press, Inc, Washington DC, 2001.

  *Italian edition 2003.

            *Spanish edition 2004.

Dewan M, Steenbarger B, Greenberg R (Eds):The Art and Science of Brief Therapies, American Psychiatric Press, Inc, Washington DC. 2004

*Italian edition 2006

*Chinese edition 2008

*Taiwanese edition 2008

*Japanese edition 2011

*Turkish edition 2012

                       2nd edition 2012

                       3rd edition 2018

Psychiatry, 4th Edition. Tasman, Kay, Lieberman, First, Maj (Eds), John Wiley & Sons, England (2015). Section editor: Psychotherapeutic and Psychosocial treatments, pp 1785-2024.

Bibliography - Book Chapters

Dewan MJ:  Cerebral structure and symptomatology.  In Harvey P and Walker E (eds):  Positive and negative symptoms in psychosis:  Description, research, and future directions.  Lawrence Erlbaum, New Jersey, p. 216-242, l987.

Dewan MJ, Koss M:  The clinical impact of the side effects of psychotropic drugs.  In Fisher S and Greenberg R (eds) The limits of Biological Treatments for Psychological Conditions.  Lawrence Erlbaum, New Jersey, 1989.

Dewan MJ, Masand PS: Pharmacological Treatment of Resistant Depression. In Ananth J (Ed) Textbook of Pharmacology. Jaypee Brothers, New Delhi, 1999.

Masand PS, Gupta S, Dewan MJ: Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors. Ibid

Dewan MJ, Silberman E, Snyderman D: Doing research without grant support. In Kay J, Pessar L, Silberman E (Eds) Handbook of Residency Training and faculty development. APA Press, Washington,DC, 2000.

Steenbarger BN, Kaplan EA, Dewan MJ, Manring J, Budman SH: Training in Administrative Psychiatry: Current Challenges. In Talbott J, Hales R (Eds) Textbook of Administrative Psychiatry, 2nd ed. American Psychiatric Publishing, Inc., Washington, DC. 2001.

Dewan MJ, Pies R: The difficult to treat depressed patient. In Dewan M & Pies R (Eds) The difficult to treat psychiatric patient. American Psychiatric Press, Inc, Washington DC, 2001.

Pies R, Dewan M: The difficult to treat schizophrenic patient. Ibid

Dewan M, Pies R: Clinical wisdom in Psychiatry. Ibid

Dewan M: Combining brief therapy and medications. In Dewan M, Steenbarger B, Greenberg R (Eds) The Art and Science of Brief Psychotherapies, American Psychiatric Press Inc, Washington DC, 2004.

Steenbarger B, Greenberg R, Dewan M: An introduction to the Art and Science of Brief Psychotherapy ibid.

Manring J, Beitman B, Dewan M: Evaluating competence in brief therapy. Ibid.

Steenbarger B, Greenberg R, Dewan M: Doing therapy briefly. Ibid.

Dewan M, Steenbarger B, Greenberg R: Brief Therapy. In Hales R, Yudofsky S, Gabbard G (Eds) Textbook of Psychiatry, 5th edition, American Psychiatric Press inc, Washington DC, 2008.

Dewan M, Steenbarger B, Greenberg R: Brief psychotherapies. In Tasman A, Kay J,   Lieberman J (Eds) Psychiatry, 3rd edition, John Wiley & Sons, England, 2008.

Dewan M, Weerasekera P, Stormon L: Techniques of Brief Psychotherapy. In Gabbard G (Ed) Textbook of Psychotherapeutic Treatments in Psychiatry, American Psychiatric Publishing Inc, Washington DC, 2009.

Dewan M, Steenbarger B, Greenberg R: Brief Therapy. In Hales R, Yudofsky S, Gabbard G (Eds) Essentials of Psychiatry, 3rd edition, American Psychiatric Press Inc, Washington DC, 2011.

Ramamurthy G, Dewan M: Depression and Coronary Artery Disease. In Sahay S (Ed) Current Advances in Cardiovascular Risk, 2012.

Dewan M: Combining brief psychotherapy and medications. In Dewan M,  Steenbarger B, Greenberg R (Eds) The Art and Science of Brief Therapies, An Illustrated Guide, 2nd edition. American Psychiatric Press Inc, Washington DC, 2004, pp 279-286.

Steenbarger B, Greenberg R, Dewan M: Introduction. Ibid.

Manring J, Beitman B, Dewan M: Evaluating competence in brief psychotherapy. Ibid.

Steenbarger B, Greenberg R, Dewan M: Doing therapy, briefly: Overview and synthesis. Ibid.

Dewan M, Steenbarger B, Greenberg R: Brief Therapy. In Hales R, Yudofsky S, Gabbard G (Eds) Textbook of Psychiatry, 6th edition, American Psychiatric Press inc, Washington DC, 2014, pp 1037-1063.

Greenberg R, Dewan M: A delicate balance: Weighing the biopsychosocial factors in psychotherapy and medication treatments. In R. de Oliveira, T. Schwartz, S. Stahl (Eds): Integrating psychotherapy and psycho- pharmacology. Routledge, New York, 2014, pp277-287.

Dean M, Steenbarger B, Greenberg R: Brief psychotherapies. In Psychiatry, 4th edition, Tasman, Kay, Lieberman, First, Riba (Eds), Wiley-Blackwell, England, 2015, pp 1820-1835.

Broquet K, Dewan M: Assessment and feedback. In Rao R, Roberts L (Eds): International Medical Graduates- A guide to training. Springer, New Jersey 2016, pp 41-55.

Meszaros S, Megna J, Manring J, Dewan M: Evidence based medicine. Ibid, pp 157-169.

Dewan M, Silberman E, Kramer M: Research. Ibid, pp 171-183.

Satish U, Krishnamurthy S, Dewan M: Role of cognitive stimulation in healthcare. In Riley R (Ed): Manual of simulation in healthcare. Oxford U Press, London, 2016, p 424.

Dewan M: Combining brief psychotherapy and medications. In Dewan M,     Steenbarger B, Greenberg R (Eds) The Art and Science of Brief Therapies,3rd edition. American Psychiatric Press Inc, Washington DC, 2018.

Steenbarger B, Greenberg R, Dewan M: Introduction. Ibid.

Manring J, Norcini J, Dewan M: Evaluating competence in brief psychotherapy. Ibid.

Steenbarger B, Greenberg R, Dewan M: Doing therapy, briefly: Overview and synthesis. Ibid.

Bibliography - Abstracts

Haldipur CV, Dewan MJ, Beal M:  Fear in the Countertransference.  Digest Neuro Psychiat, p. 92, 1982.

Dewan MJ, Pandurangi AK, Lee SH, Ramachandran T, Levy B, Boucher M, Yozawitz A, Major L:  Central Brain Morphology in Chronic Schizophrenic Patients:  A Controlled CT Study.  Digest Neuro Psychiat, p. 37, 1984.

Pandurangi AK, Dewan MJ, Lee SH, Ramachandran T, Levy B, Boucher M, Yozawitz A, Major L:  The Ventricular System in Chronic Schizophrenic Patients:  A Controlled Computed Tomography Study.  Digest Neuro Psychiat, p. l86, 1984.

Dewan M, Pandurangi AK, Lee SH, Ramachandran T, Levy B, Boucher M, Yozawitz A, Major L:  A Comprehensive Study of Chronic Schizophrenic Patients.  I:  Quantitative Computed Tomography. Digest Neuro Psychiat, p. 228, 1986.

Pandurangi AK, Dewan M, Boucher M, Levy B, Phelps B, Ramachandran T, Bartell K, Major L:  A Comprehensive Study of Chronic Schizophrenic Patients.  II.  Biological, Neuropsychological, and Clinical Correlates of CT Abnormality.  Digest Neuro Psychiat, p. 229, 1986.

Dewan MJ, Bick PA:  Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus and Psychiatric Patients.  In Satoshi Matsumoto (ed):  Annual Review of Hydrocephalus.  Neuron Publishing Co., Tokyo p. 217-218, 1986.

Pandurangi AK, Dewan M, Boucher M, Levy B, Phelps B, Ramachandran T, Bartell K, Major L:  A Comprehensive Study of Chronic Schizophrenic Patients.  II:  Biological, Neuropsychological, and Clinical Correlates of CT Abnormality.  In Year Book of Psychiatry and Applied Mental Health.  Year Book Medical Publishers, Chicago, p. 36-37, 1987.

Dewan M, Haldipur CV, Lane E, Donnelly MP, Boucher M, Major L:  Normal Cerebral Asymmetry in Bipolar Patients.  Psychiatry Digest 4:19-20, 1988.

Dewan M, Falen S, Szeverenyi N, et al:  Simple Surface Markers for Aligning SPECT and MRI images.  Society of Biological Psychiatry, Annual Meeting, 1992.

Masand P, Dewan M, Thomas FD:  Do Neurologically Impaired Schizophrenics have Abnormal SPECT Scans?  Society of Biological Psychiatry, Annual Meeting, 1994.

Dewan M, Masand P, Thomas FD:  Neurological Correlates of SPECT Findings in Schizophrenics.  Annual Meeting, American Psychiatric Association, 1994.

Dewan M, Tanquary J, Masand P:  SPECT Changes After Behavior Therapy or Clomipramine Treatment in OCD.  Annual Meeting, American Psychiatric Association, 1994.

Dewan M:  A unique Combined Psychopharmacology- Brief Psychotherapy Fellowship. Annual Meeting, American Association of Directors of Psychiatry Residency Training, 1995.

Masand P, Dewan M, Thomas FD, Szeverenyi N, Bhandary A, Major LF:  Do Neurologically Impaired Schizophrenics have Abnormal SPECT Scans?  International Congress on Schizophrenia Research, April 9, 1995.

Dewan M: Cost of care by a psychiatrist versus split treatment. Annual Meeting, American Psychiatric Association, 1997.

Dewan M: An innovative course in American Culture. Annual Meeting, American Association of Directors of Psychiatric Residency Training, 1998.

Pinto C, Dhawale H, Nair S, Patil B, Dewan M: Borderline Personality disorder exists in India. Annual Meeting, American Psychiatric Association, 1998.

Dhawale H, Rane A, Apte J, Pinto C, Dewan M: Extrapyramidal Side Effects and Antipsychotic Use in India. Ibid, 1998

Dewan M, Manring J, Phung Q: Managed Care Rates and Professional Income: 1995-2002. Institute on Psychiatric services, Chicago, October 2002.

Manring J, Dewan M: Evaluating Competence in Psychotherapy. Ibid.

Satish U, Streufert S, Dewan M: Impact on productivity: Comparison of two antihistamines. 22nd Congress of the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, abstract p 286.

Satish UStreufert S, Manring J, Dewan M. Novel assessment of psychiatry residents: Strategic management simulations. Institute on Psychiatric Services, American Psychiatric Association. 54, 78, 2002.

Satish U, Streufert S and Dewan M. Impact of the burden of allergic rhinitis (SAR) on simulated real world functioning: A pilot investigation. The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 109: 1, 2002

Satish U, Streufert S, Dewan M and VanderVoort S. Improved productivity in patients with seasonal allergic rhinitis: Impact of Desloratadine. ACAAI, 28, 2003

Satish U, Streufert S, and Dewan M. Impact on productivity: Comparison of two antihistamines. Allergy as a Global Problem. Twenty-second Congress of the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, Abstract, p. 286, 2003